May Haul!
May was a whirlwind of reading and taking in all the words. I got through a total of TWELVE books. I also beta-read two novella manuscripts, on top of my regular partner work. So, to say it was a month of reading, is an understatement. I ignored my children a lot, kidding, kind of. I don’t know whether to feel proud or really overwhelmed. Needless to say, June is going to be a little more chill. And I need to work on my own writing this month.
I’m going to share a mini, spoiler free review for each book. At the end, I’m going to share my June TBR.
1.The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender 4.8/5
Audiobook 8hrs 32min
March 2014
I really enjoyed this book. The way it was written was magical and beautifully done. The protagonist is telling the story and sharing generations worth of history. The world building is so well done, it felt like it could have been part of our world. I don’t think it should be considered YA; it deals with some heavy themes and explicit content and should be consumed with discretion. The author does handle the heavy scenes well, in my opinion. So, I do recommend it.
2. Clockwork Princess 5/5
Physical book 570 pages
March 2013
I did a buddy read with this book and I’m so glad I did! Reading it and getting to freak out about it with others was so fun. This is the third book in The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. Anytime a book can make me cry, automatic 5 stars, and oh man, that epilogue!
3. The Maiden Ship 3/5
Physical book 364 pages
February 2020
This book had some really lovely themes on family and responsibility and the world building is great. Some parts felt a little slow and predictable, and I wish there had been more to the plot. There was character development within the main character which I also enjoyed. The ending was pleasantly surprising though and I’m looking forward to the next book from her!
4. The Unhoneymooners 3/5
Audiobook 7 hrs
May 2019
This was a cute ‘enemies to lovers’ and ‘fake dating’ trope, contemporary romance. I feel like that sums it up and why I couldn’t give it a high rating. It was very predictable and I couldn’t relate to the main character. It also didn’t help that the narrator’s voice annoyed me.
5. Phoenix 3/5
Ebook 350pages
December 2019
I found this book on Net Galley in the ‘ready to read’ section. The story has so much potential in the ways of world building and plot. However, most of the characters fall really flat and the author chose to switch from first person POV to third person in every other chapter. Which kind of worked, but it also felt like it took away from the story. It’s a really neat spin on first contact with aliens and touches on the theme of how Humans react to aliens. Felt very accurate.
6. The Dream Thieves 4/5
Physical book 448 pages
September 2013
I love Ronan Lynch so much and this book centered around him, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot didn’t move forward too much, but I feel like Ronan’s magic is really important and leading up to something in the final book. Adam was hard to like, he made some poor choices and needs to let go of his prejudices. I do recommend The Raven Cycle as a series though.
7. Trouble with Wolves 3/5
Ebook 250 pages
February 2020
I was approved through Net Galley to read this book. Going in, I didn’t realize this author had already created a world and now this book was a new series branching off some other work. It was a fun, quick read. A little smutty and the plot was rushed. It was an easy read and there will be more. I just don’t feel compelled to read more from this author, I wasn’t impressed by the writing, for a variety of reasons.
8. A Curse so Dark and Lonely 3/5
Audiobook 14hrs 51min
January 2019
This is a modern, retelling of Beauty and the Beast, with a few different changes to the ‘curse.’ As far as retellings go, it was super predictable and I didn’t feel connected to the two main characters. I enjoyed the side character, Grey and I’m anticipating the second book since it’s about him.
9. Six of Crows 4.5/5
Physical book 465 pages
September 2015
I read this book, because literally everyone on bookstagram suggested it and I have serious book fomo. And it did not disappoint. The book started off a little slow, just getting to know characters and dynamics. Once it got going, the plot was so good! It’s hard to believe it’s six teenagers executing an impossible heist. Also, Kaz Brekker gave me serious Tommy Shelby vibes and I was sold. But every character is great and the plot is impressive.
10. Crooked Kingdom 5/5
Physical book 536 pages
September 2016
Okay, if I loved Six of Crows, this book was everything and more. The ending was so beautiful and satisfying, I cried for a variety of reasons though in this one. The plot was so exciting, Kaz was always 20 steps ahead, or just super lucky. And I fell in love with all the characters even more. I love a character driven plot and getting back stories and the author does such a good job of that!
11. Throne of Glass 3/5
Audiobook 12hrs 47min
August 2012
I checked this book out because of the large fandom and it was hard to get into after experiencing Maas’ newer books. Her writing has definitely improved over the years. It still had a good mystery and I can tell the world building is impressive. I did not like the love triangle and I found it slow at parts. I’ll still continue with this series though now that libraries are open again!
12. Blue Lily, Lily Blue 3/5
Physical book 391 pages
October 2014
This felt like a filler book to me. So much was happening and none of it was really making any sense, but it’s leading up to something. I feel like the writing is trying to be so fancy and lyrical that I get lost in it and find myself wondering what was the point of some of the description. That might be a personal opinion though because I’m impatient and want to get to the point. So, take that with a grain of salt. Oh, and Adam redeems himself in this book!
An exuberant amount of reading this month and it all added up to:
43.2 hours of audiobooks and a total of 3,374 pages.
I’ve started The Raven King and will finish it over the next few days.
I’m listening to Tweet Cute on Scribd. Not loving it, but it’s a fun distraction when I’m trying to put my one year old to sleep.
I am finally going to read Iron Gold. It’s a big one, and I think I’m ready to find out what is going on with Darrow and company.
And I’m going to take my time reading this month, because Summer and outdoors :) but I’ll also try to get around to Chain of Gold. After finishing TID, I’m curious to see them as parents and what their children are like.
Thanks for reading, I look forward to connecting with you all and sharing more books.